eu acordo as 05:40 eu banhar as 06:00 vou para o trabalho as 06:20 começo no trabalho as 07:00 o café as 08:30 almoçar as 12:00 saio do trabalho as 05:30 vou a musculação as 06:00 depois as 09:00 assisto tv
I agree the 5:40I bathe the 6:00to work the 6:20beginning at work the 7:00the coffee 8:30lunch the 12:00I get off work the 5:30go to bodybuilding the 6:00After the 9:00 watch tv
I wake the 5:40 I bathe 06:00 I go to work the 6:20 start work at 07:00 coffee 08:30 lunch 12:00 get off work 05:30 go to the weight 06 : 00 after 09:00 watch tv