Amber está no último ano do ensino médio, é uma pessoa tímida, com pou Tradução - Amber está no último ano do ensino médio, é uma pessoa tímida, com pou Inglês como dizer

Amber está no último ano do ensino

Amber está no último ano do ensino médio, é uma pessoa tímida, com poucos amigos, porém, possui verdadeiros amigos. Chelsea e Evan, são seus melhores amigos e ajudam sempre que ela precisa. Amber é uma boa aluna, esforçada, que sonha em cursar arquitetura na faculdade, no entanto, não recebe apoio suficiente de sua única parente que convive. Ela sonha em retornar a florida, para tentar descobrir algumas informações sobre seu passado: como seus pais eram, pois sua tia não fala sobre eles.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Amber's senior year of high school, is a shy person, with few friends, however, have true friends. Chelsea and Evan, are your best friends and help whenever she needs. Amber is a good, hardworking student, who dreams of studying architecture in College, however, does not receive enough support from his only relatives live. She dreams of returning to florida, to try to find out some information about her past: as her parents were, because your aunt doesn't talk about them.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Amber is a senior in high school, is a shy person, with few friends, however, have true friends. Chelsea and Evan are your best friends and help whenever she needs. Amber is a good student, industrious, who dreams of study architecture in college, however, does not receive enough support from his only relative who lives with. She dreams of returning to florida, to find out some information about your past, how their parents were because her aunt does not talk about them.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Amber is in the last year of high school, is a shy person, with a few friends, however, have true friends. Chelsea and Evan, are your best friends and always help that she needs. Amber is a good student, worker, who dreams of studying architecture in college, however, does not receive enough support from his only living relative. She dreams of returning to Florida, to try to find out some information about your past: how were your parents because her aunt did not talk about them.
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