Boa Tarde, fiz minhas compras dia 11 de novembro e já se passaram 10 dias e ainda não houve o envio das minhas mercadorias. Tens alguma previsão de envio e porque está demorando tanto. obrigada
Good afternoon, I did my shopping day on November 11 and 10 days have gone by and still there was no sending of my goods. Do you have any shipping forecast and why is it taking so long. Thanks
Good Afternoon, did my shopping day November 11 and 10 days have passed and still no shipping of my goods. Do you have any prediction Shipping and why it is taking so long. thank you
Good afternoon, I did my shopping day, 11 November and already passed 10 days and still no send my goods. Do you have any estimates of transmission and why is it taking so long. Thank you