Tarefa: Diligência de taxi até o Fórum Trabalhista Ruy Barbosa, localizado na Avenida Marquês de São Vicente, 235 - Barra Funda/SP, para atualizar cópia dos autos do processo até as fls 312.
Task: Stage of taxi to the Labor Forum Ruy Barbosa, located on Avenida Marques de São Vicente, 235-Barra Funda, São Paulo, to upgrade a copy of the court documents to the fls 312.
Task: taxi Diligence to the Labor Forum Ruy Barbosa, located on Avenida Marques de São Vicente, 235 - Barra Funda / SP to update copy of the case file to the 312 pgs.
Task: diligence the cab to the labour forum Ruy Barbosa, located at Avenida Marqu ê s de s ã o Vicente, 235 - Barra funda / SP, to maintain a copy of the record of the process until the FLS 312.