Eu casei quando tinha 19 anos, muito nova e muito inexperiente. O sogr Tradução - Eu casei quando tinha 19 anos, muito nova e muito inexperiente. O sogr Inglês como dizer

Eu casei quando tinha 19 anos, muit

Eu casei quando tinha 19 anos, muito nova e muito inexperiente. O sogro da minha irmã, que era médico, pediu-me que não casasse com ele, mas eu estava muito apaixonada e não quis ouvir. Assim, casei com um psicopata, a família dele sabia disto, mas escondeu de mim. Nunca me tinha apercebido que o caso dele era grave, porque ele era um excelente profissional, trabalhava no ministério das estradas, e também um excelente músico e pintor. Por isso te postei a música, "don't play that song to me" da Aretha Franklin. 4 anos depois, tive de me divorciar, divórcio muito complicado!!! Depois do divórcio, ele continuou a perseguir-me durante 7 anos fui vítima de stalking. Cheguei a ser raptada por 3 dias e sujeita a terror psicológico. O tribunal e as policias nada faziam para me proteger. Eles eram uma família muito influente!!! Por isso, durante 7 anos, eu tive 2 guarda costas para me proteger. 7 anos depois, conheci o Luís, com quem estou casada há 27 anos e somos muito felizes. Ele parou de me perseguir!! Eu já estava casada há 10 anos, quando a mãe do meu ex marido me bateu à porta para dizer, que tinha posto o filho em tribunal, porque ele lhe infligira maus tratos, e que por isso, todos os seus imóveis e joias passariam para mim e minha filha em testamento, para me compensar de todo o sofrimento passado. Hoje em dia, ele é casado com uma brasileira, e ela é uma infeliz nas mãos deles
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
I married when I was 19, too young and too inexperienced. the father of my sister, who was a doctor, asked me not to marry him, but I was very passionate and would not listen. well, I married a psychopath, his family knew this, but hid it from me. I never realized that his case was serious because he was an outstanding professional, working in the ministry of roads,and also an excellent musician and painter. that's why I posted the song, "do not play that song to me" of aretha franklin. 4 years later, I had to divorce, divorce too complicated!! after the divorce, he continued to pursue me for 7 years I was a victim of stalking. I got to be kidnapped for 3 days and subjected to psychological terror. the court and the police did nothing to protect me.they were a very influential family!! so for 7 years, I had two bodyguards to protect me. 7 years later, I met louis, with whom I've been married for 27 years and are very happy. he stopped chasing me! I was married 10 years ago, when the mother of my ex husband beat me to the door to say that he had put his son in court because he had inflicted on her mistreatment,and therefore, all their property and jewels pass for me and my daughter in a will to compensate me for all the past suffering. Nowadays, he is married to a Brazilian, and it is an unfortunate in their hands
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
I got married when I was 19 years old, too young and too inexperienced. My sister's father-in-law, who was a doctor, asked me not to marry him, but I was very much in love and wouldn't listen. So, I married a psychopath, his family knew about this, but hid from me. I never realized that his case was serious because he was a great professional, worked in the Ministry of roads, and also an excellent musician and painter. That's why I posted the song, "don't play that song to me" by Aretha Franklin. 4 years later, I had to get a divorce, divorce too complicated!!! After the divorce, he continued to pursue me for 7 years I was a victim of stalking. Got to be kidnapped by 3 days and subjected to psychological terror. The Court and the police did nothing to protect me. They were a very influential family!!! Therefore, during 7 years, I had 2 bodyguards to protect me. 7 years later, I met Luis, with whom I've been married for 27 years and are very happy. He stopped stalking me!! I was married for 10 years, when the mother of my ex husband knocked on the door to say, which had put the child in court, because he infligira her mistreatment, and that's why, all your real estate and jewelry would be for me and my daughter in her will, to make up for all the suffering in the past. Nowadays, he is married to a Brazilian, and she is an unhappy in their hands
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
I got married when I was 19 years old, very new and very inexperienced. The father of my sister, who was a medical doctor, has asked me to not get married with him, but I was very passionate about and did not want to hear. Thus, married with a psychopath, his family knew about this, but hid them from me. I Never had realized that the case it was serious, because he was an excellent professional, he worked at the department of roads,And also an excellent musician and painter. Therefore te posted to music, "then't play that song to me" of Aretha Franklin. 4 Years later, I had to divorce, divorce too complicated!!! After the divorce, he continued to pursue me for 7 years I've been a victim of stalking. I got to be kidnapped by 3 days and subjected to psychological terror. The court and the police did nothing to protect me.They were a very influential family!!! Therefore, during 7 years, I had 2 bodyguard to protect me. 7 Years later, i met Luis, with whom I am married for 27 years and we are very happy. He stopped me chase!! I was already married for 10 years, when the mother of my ex husband I knocked at the door to say, that he had put the child in court, because he will confound mistreatment,And that therefore, all your real estate and jewelry would be for me and my daughter in testament, for me compensate for the entire past suffering. Today, he is married to a Brazilian, and she is an unfortunate in their hands
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