Ai is our exchange of emails. For te contextualize, we had a wonderful evening in London. At bedtime, gave me fear, gave me needs to hear something more from him. I Ended up saying that I was going to a place of azaracao, where people are mad, and that I am chateava does not know what our position in the relationship.I said that I felt alone, and that he wanted that he had called me pro marriage. He said that we had already talked about leaving things without labels for a while. Everything was well and the next day we woke up together, we had relationship, it was great. At the time that I was going though, I saw an image of santa terezinha on top of the piano of the house that he shares with two other people.I decided that I would be calm and trust but stayed in doubt as he would deal with this. When I started to read the email from him i thought that he was only explaining to see the part in which he speaks that our history should stop here. I thought It was cowardly and I am upset for not having the chance to see you give a face and our relationship grow to do things in dribs and drabs.I like him very much - we are not equal in fp5 fp5 crazy ones but the good things that we exchanged brings me much happiness.
Sorry to annoying - qq return their will be a lot of help.
bjs and obliged
Forwarded conversation
Subject: You & Me
From: Edward Watts
Date: 2013 /8/19
Rrect: "fortuna.roberta@gmail.com "
Dear Roberta,
How are you doing? I hope all's good and that you're having an excellent time in Croatia. I know you will be.
I got back to Rio yesterday after another MENTAL weekend. The wedding was good, loads of fun but unbelievably heavy. Still, even through the fog of alcohol, it was incredible to see one of my crazy friends in such a traditional English church,Having such a traditional ceremony, and obtaining only happy about it.
I wanted to write minimized our night together in London and the wedding left me thinking about you a lot. I wish we could talk face to face. But you're having a wonderful holiday, and I'm about to return to the frontline, only I elicited no option but to write before the storm swallows me again.
Roberta,I want you to know that I think the world of you. You are my first and only Brazilian girl, but only much more than that. You aer only smart, only beautiful, only funny. I feel that we understand each other: we know eahc other's struggles; we've both lived through crazy times and crazy jobs; we both know about the lure of the wild that is just difficult to resist, only hard to escape.I admire you for all you have done to find a new path through life and I appreciate all the support you have given me while I've been doing this nutty project. Every moment I've spent with you sah been special.
I am sorry that my life sah only made things difficult for us; I'm sorry that the time we have had together has been only snatched.I totally understand why you got angry late that night in London. It has not been fair on you that we have not had the space to elicited the proper shot at our relationship, because of me.
Honestly, I am no longer myself. This job - not just the filming but all the other table, the politics, the lack of rest, the weeks and months that it lasted - sah sah worn me down, and worn me down,Until I feel that I have almost nothing left to give to anyone. I am in survival mode where my focus is just to get up in the morning and survive the day and then get to sleep the fast the I can. That is not the person I am, or the person I want to be is you. It's no fun.
como sempre, I also have to face the bypass juvenile hall by enrolling: right now,I not feel ready or able to give the kind of energy to our relationship that it needs and deserves. The filming has taken all that I elicited. I need to concentrate on Finishing it, going home and putting the pieces back together again. I am very sorry.But I think it is better to Say it clearly now rather than leaving you feeling frustrated and confused and me guilty is doing what I need to from to get to the end of this.
Perhaps one day we may find eahc other again when of have changed. Perhaps one day I may move to Rio or you may come to London, and we will have a second chance, a real chance this time, to do it properly.But I feel that's impossible right now. To keep on trying would, I fear, only ruin what we have had. For that reason, I feel it needs to come to an end.
I hope you can understand and forgive me. I hope we will stay in touch and stay friends. You are very important to me. I am and always will be one of your greatest admirers and model serves as a and would hate to lose you from my life.
Thank you for the amazing times. Thank you for all the kindness and love you have shown me. The time we have spent together has been the best thing about my life in Rio.
With love to you, linda.
Ed xx
From: Roberta Fortuna
Date: 2013 /8/20
Rrect: Edward Watts
Hey Edi,
I was going to tell you that the sun seems to shine brighter here although it doesn't burn you. Croatians can be very much like unlike theprevious or sicilians - sweet and soft but still brutal in sum ways. After our night in London I was hoping you would understand that I've got my moments but they are fire and then't really represent how I usually feel things. I only carry what suits me.
Everytime time I was away I thought how great you made me feel and how much fun I have with you despite the tough times. I got confused in London minimized your company again made only much sense to me. Then I woke up in the morning and you're there with those blue eyes and santa Teresa on the top of the piano. I believed things could be simple and was hoping to show you my tanned bum.I was sure that indeed leaving this happening breakup unfold would also be the best for me at the moment.
Anyway In't think it's only about last night but also about the 'frames' we choose to see life. Just the we said that british afternoon in Arpoador ... Is my life is absolutely fabulous and right in its craziness and difficulties questionnaire. It s built eahc day at the time with calm.We are similar in the struggles but also (and mainly) in the pleasures and in the joy.
You ofn't upset me is not being able to promise me the 'world' now. You upset me for not trusting the good, saying this by email and is avoiding bogus us to decide together what to the later.
You've got an almost finished beautiful film which will open you fairview park doors despite all the windows you had to break.You've got a lucky woman who was looking in the same direction to you. You are also lucky Eduardo. Anyway, I've been willing to accept the things that In't understand or agree this year. I truly hear and respect what you Say.
I'd like to see you before leaving Brazil. For me it is important. No matter what, I think we shouldn't look toward the dark after all.
X R.
On 19 /08/2013 , the 6:21 pm, Edward Watts wrote:
sendo traduzido, aguarde..