olá td bem com vc? obrigado pela dica, assim podemos nos falar e entender, moro no Brasil, na cidade d toledo, sou divorciado e tenho uma filha ja casada que mora em Foz do iguaçu.
Hello td with you? Thanks for the tip, so we can speak and understand, I live in Brazil, in the city d toledo, I'm divorced and have a daughter already married who lives in Foz do iguaçu.
hello td well with you? thanks for the tip, so we can speak and understand, I live in Brazil, in the city d toledo, I am divorced and have a daughter already married who lives in Foz do Iguaçu.
Hi TD right with you? Thanks for the tip, so we can talk and understand, live in Brazil, in the city of Toledo, I am divorced and I have a daughter, now married, living in foz do Igua ç u.