Serve a presente para comunicar a V. Exas. que, em concretização do pl Tradução - Serve a presente para comunicar a V. Exas. que, em concretização do pl Inglês como dizer

Serve a presente para comunicar a V

Serve a presente para comunicar a V. Exas. que, em concretização do plano de reorganização interna do grupo “Os Mosqueteiros”, a partir do dia 01 de Janeiro de 2013, independentemente da relação comercial ora vigente entre a signatária e V. Exas, os fornecimentos e os serviços prestados respeitantes, respectivamente, às atividades comerciais das marcas “BRICOMARCHÉ” e “ROADY” deverão ser objeto de fatura e, ou, contrato em nome das sociedades “Casa Por ITM, S.A.”, pessoa colectiva nº. 510 066 283, para a área de negócio “BRICOMARCHÉ”, e “ITMP Automóvel, S.A.”, pessoa Colectiva nº.510 066402, para a área de negócio “ROADY”, ambas com sede social no lugar do Marrujo Bugalhos, Alcanena, que integram, igualmente, o universo do denominado grupo “Os Mosqueteiros.

Os interlocutores e respetivos contactos não sofrem qualquer alteração.
Na expectativa do fortalecimento das nossas relações comerciais, mantemo-nos ao dispor para qualquer esclarecimento.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
This serves to communicate. that, in implementation of the plan of reorganization within the group "the Musketeers", from 01 January 2013, regardless of the business relationship existing between the signatory ora and v. 2009, supplies and services relating, respectively, to the commercial activities of the brands "BRICOMARCHE" and "ROADY" should be subject to invoice and, or contract on behalf of societies "House By ITM , S.A. ", legal person. 510 066 283, for the business area "BRICOMARCHE", and "Auto, S.A." ITMP, legal person no. 510 066402, for the business area "ROADY", both with head offices in place of Marrujo Oranges, Alcanena, which integrate the universe of the named group "the Musketeers.The interlocutors and respective contacts do not undergo any change.In anticipation of the strengthening of our trade relations, we remain available for any clarification.With best wishes,
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
This is to communicate V. Excellencies. that on completion of the internal reorganization plan of the group "The Musketeers", from 01 January 2013, regardless of the now existing commercial relationship between the signatory and V. Excellencies, supplies and services rendered relating, respectively, the commercial activities of the brands "Bricomarché" and "ROADY" should be invoice object, or contract on behalf of companies "House for ITM, SA", legal person no. 510,066,283 for the business area "Bricomarché" and "TIMP Automotive, SA" person Collective nº.510 066,402 for the business area "ROADY", both with registered office in place of Marrujo Bugalhos, Alcanena, which part, also, the universe of the group called "the Musketeers.

the partners and their contacts do not change.
in anticipation of the strengthening of our trade relations, we remain at your disposal for any clarification.

Yours sincerely,
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
This is to inform you. That, in implementing the plan of internal reorganization of the group "Musketeers", from January 1, 2013, irrespective of the relationship existing between a commercial now, and you, supplies and services concerning, respectively, the commercial activities of the brands "bricomarchÉ" and "roady" should be the object the invoice and contract, or on behalf of the company "home for ITM, S.A.", legal person no. 510 066 283, the business area "bricomarchÉ", and "ITMP car, S.A.", legal person nº.510 066402, the business area "roady", both headquartered in place of the marrujo oranges, alcanena, incorporating also the universe of the group "the musketeers.The interlocutors and their contacts do not suffer any change.In anticipation of the strengthening of our trade relations, we are available for any clarification.With best regards.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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