You and your roommate share all the chores in your apartment. However, Tradução - You and your roommate share all the chores in your apartment. However, Inglês como dizer

You and your roommate share all the

You and your roommate share all the chores in your apartment. However, you were very busy today and haven't been able to do everthing you were supposed to do. Some people have also called your roommate. Use your notes to leave a message explaining both what you did and didn't do and who called.
I have done the dishes, made the beds and paid the bills.
Já ia me esquecendo Thomson ligou e disse que a aula foi cancelada
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
You and your roommate share all the chores in your apartment. However, you were very busy today and haven't been able to do everthing you were supposed to do. Some people have also called your roommate. Use your notes to leave a message explaining both what you did and didn't do and who called.I have done the dishes, made the beds and paid the bills.Maria, Já ia me esquecendo Thomson ligou e disse que a aula foi cancelada
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
You and your roommate share all the chores in your apartment. However, you were very busy today and have not Been able to the everthing you were supposed to do. Some people have also called your roommate. Use your notes to leave a message explaining BOTH what you did and did not do and who called.
I have done the dishes, made the beds and paid the bills.
already was forgetting Thomson called and said the class was canceled
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
You and your roommate share all the cry in your apartment. However, you were very busy today and haven 't been able to everthing you were supposed to do. Some people have also called your roommate. Use your notes to leave a message explaining both what you did and didn 't do and who called.I have done the dishes, made the beds and paid the bills.Mary,Oh, I almost forgot Thomson called and said the class was canceled.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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