A maior limitação que a agricultura vertical pode encontrar é o consum Tradução - A maior limitação que a agricultura vertical pode encontrar é o consum Inglês como dizer

A maior limitação que a agricultura

A maior limitação que a agricultura vertical pode encontrar é o consumo geral de energia. Um certo nível considerável de energia é necessária para alimentar sua fachada, sua iluminação artificial, seu sistema de cultivo hidropônico ou aeroponic e sistemas de aquecimento e refrigeração. A quantidade de energia necessária por unidade de produto é um fator importante para assegurar não só que a fazenda seja sustentável, mas que seja também economicamente viável.
Porém, a única tecnologia que será essencial para o futuro da agricultura vertical será a iluminação de LED. Este tipo de iluminação artificial tem uma altíssima eficiência de conversão fotoelétrica, consumindo apenas um oitavo da energia de lâmpada incandescente, metade da potência da lâmpada fluorescente, e usando uma tensão mais baixa de alimentação (6-24V), que torna mais seguro para trabalhar e reduz as perdas de transmissão.
Luzes de LED são pequenas, tem uma vida útil alta, baixo consumo de energia, geram menos calor e pode produzir luz em intensidades variáveis. Por produzir menos calor, a luz pode ser movida mais perto das plantas. Isso aumenta a eficiência, não apenas em termos de utilização de energia, mas também permitindo que as camadas de crescimento das plantas fiquem mais densas, fazendo um uso mais eficiente do espaço.
Luzes LED podem ser sintonizadas para emitir apenas um comprimento de onda de luz estreito, podem também ser combinadas para criar uma iluminação perfeita e que forneça luz no espectro ideal para o crescimento da cultura. Outro benefício é que ondas de luz LED podem ter efeitos distintos sobre o rendimento das culturas, qualidade, e mesmo de pragas doenças.
É fato que há um alto potencial para estas estufas tecnológicas multifuncionais construídas em torno de luzes LED. Provas deixam claro que a iluminação perfeita aumenta a qualidade do alimento que nós comemos e a quantidade que podemos dos recursos disponíveis: os problemas do século 21 que agora enfrentamos – e através da tecnologia, estão ficando mais perto de resolver.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
The biggest limitation that vertical farming can find is the general consumption of energy. A certain level of energy is needed to power its facade, its artificial lighting, hydroponic cultivation system aeroponic systems or heating and cooling. The amount of energy required per unit of product is an important factor to ensure not only that the farm is sustainable, but that is also economically viable.However, the only technology that will be essential for the future of vertical farming is LED lighting. This type of artificial lighting has an extremely high photoelectric conversion efficiency, consuming only one-eighth of the energy of incandescent, half the fluorescent lamp power, and using a lower power supply voltage (6-24V), which makes it safe for work and reduces transmission losses.LED lights are small, have a high life, low energy consumption, generate less heat and can produce light in varying intensities. By producing less heat, the light can be moved closer to the plants. This increases efficiency, not only in terms of energy use, but also allowing the layers of plants growing more dense, making more efficient use of space.LED lights can be tuned to emit only a narrow light wavelength, can also be combined to create a perfect lighting and to provide light in the spectrum ideal for the growth of the culture. Another benefit is that waves of light can have distinct effects on crop yield, quality, and even disease pests.It is a fact that there is a high potential for these technological greenhouses built around multi-function LED lights. Evidence made it clear that the perfect lighting increases the quality of the food we eat and how much we can available resources: the problems that we now face 21 century – and through technology, are getting closer to resolve.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
The biggest limitation that vertical farming can find is the overall power consumption. Some considerable level of energy is needed to power its facade, its artificial lighting, your hydroponics system or aeroponic and heating and cooling systems. The amount of energy required per unit of product is an important factor in ensuring not only that the farm is sustainable, but it is also economically feasible.
However, the only technology that will be essential for the future of vertical farming will be LED lighting. This type of artificial lighting has a high efficiency photoelectric conversion, consuming only one - eighth of incandescent lamp power, half the power of fluorescent lamp, and using a lower supply voltage (6-24V), which makes it safer to work and reduces transmission losses.
LED lights are small, has a high service life, low power consumption, generate less heat and can produce light in varying intensities. For producing less heat, light can be moved closer to the plants. This increases efficiency, not only in terms of energy use, but also allowing the growth of layers of plants become denser, making more efficient use of space.
LED lights can be tuned to emit only a light wavelength narrow, they can also be combined to create a perfect illumination light and provides an ideal spectrum for the growth of the culture. Another benefit is that LED light waves can have different effects on crop yields, quality, and even pest diseases.
It is true that there is a high potential for these multifunctional technological greenhouses built around LED lights. Evidence makes it clear that the perfect lighting enhances the quality of the food we eat and the amount of available resources that can: 21st century problems we now face - and through technology, are getting closer to solving.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
The greatest limitation is that the vertical farming can find is the overall energy consumption. A considerable level of energy is needed to power the facade, artificial lighting, its system of hydroponic growing or aeroponic and heating and cooling. The amount of energy required per unit of product is an important factor to ensure not only that the farm is sustainable, but is also economically viable.However, the only technology that will be crucial to the future of vertical farming will be the LED lighting. This kind of artificial lighting has a high photoelectric conversion efficiency, consuming only one eighth of the energy of incandescent lamp, half of the power of the fluorescent lamp, and using a lower voltage supply (6 - 24V), which makes it safer to work and reduces the transmission losses.LED lights are small, have a useful life high, low energy consumption, generate less heat, and can produce light in varying intensities. Produce less heat, the light can be moved closer to the plants. This increases the efficiency, not only in terms of energy use, but also allowing the layers of growth of the plants are more dense, making more efficient use of space.LED lights can be set to issue only a wavelength of light is narrow, can also be combined to create a perfect illumination and providing light in the spectrum is ideal for the growth of the culture. Another benefit is that light waves LED can have distinct effects on the crop yield, quality, and pest diseases.It is a fact that there is a high potential for these multifunctional technological greenhouses built around LED lights. The evidence is clear that the perfect illumination increases the quality of the food that we eat and the amount that we can of the resources available: the problems of the 21st century, we now face, and by means of technology are getting closer to solve.
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