O presente projeto visa apreender as dimensões da promoção da saúde à  Tradução - O presente projeto visa apreender as dimensões da promoção da saúde à  Inglês como dizer

O presente projeto visa apreender a

O presente projeto visa apreender as dimensões da promoção da saúde à luz da epidemia de Zika em contextos e situações de vulnerabilidade, reconhecendo os marcadores sociais de gênero, raça/cor, classe e religião. Para tal propõe-se em primeiro lugar, analisar a espacialidade da vulnerabilidade à epidemia do vírus Zika e revelar grupos e locais de mais atingidos pela epidemia e suas manifestações neurológicas. Esta etapa permitirá compreender como as populações e os profissionais de saúde representam os riscos so zika em territórios vulneráveis. Em segundo lugar, o projeto pretende revelar os efeitos da vulnerabilidade e da invisibilidade da epidemia de zika por meio da análise narrativa sobre a tomada de decisões, itinerários de paternidade e cuidado das crianças afetadas com microcefalia.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
The present project aims to capture the dimensions of health promotion in light of the epidemic of Zika in contexts and situations of vulnerability, recognizing the social markers of gender, race/color, class and religion. To this end it is proposed firstly analyze the spatiality of the vulnerability to the epidemic of the virus Zika and reveal and groups hardest hit by the epidemic and its neurological manifestations. This step will allow you to understand how the populations and health professionals represent the risks so zika in vulnerable territories. Secondly, the project aims to reveal the effects of vulnerability and invisibility of zika outbreak through the narrative analysis on decision-making, itineraries of parenthood and care of affected children with microcephaly.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
This project aims to grasp the dimensions of health promotion in the light of Zika epidemic in contexts and situations of vulnerability, recognizing the social markers of gender, race / color, class and religion. To this end it is proposed to first analyze the spatiality of vulnerability to the Zika virus epidemic and reveal groups and places most affected by the epidemic and its neurological manifestations. This step will understand how populations and health professionals represent the only risks zika in vulnerable areas. Secondly, the project aims to reveal the effects of vulnerability and invisibility of zika epidemic through narrative analysis of decision-making, paternity itineraries and care of children affected with microcephaly.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
This project aims to grasp the dimensions of health promotion in the light of the epidemic of Zika in contexts and situations of vulnerability markers, recognizing the social gender, race / color, class and religion. For this it is proposed firstly, analyze the spatial nature of vulnerability to the epidemic of the virus Zika and reveal groups and local hardest hit by the epidemic and its neurological manifestations. This step allows us to understand how people and health care professionals represent the risks so Zika in vulnerable areas. Secondly, the project intends to reveal the effects of the vulnerability and the invisibility of the epidemic of Zika by analyzing narrative about decision-making, routes of fatherhood and care of children affected with microcephaly.
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Outras línguas
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