.Bruno é um menino de 8 anos, filho de um oficial nazista, a família d Tradução - .Bruno é um menino de 8 anos, filho de um oficial nazista, a família d Inglês como dizer

.Bruno é um menino de 8 anos, filho

.Bruno é um menino de 8 anos, filho de um oficial nazista, a família dele se muda para Auschwitz perto de um campo de concentração onde ele conhece um menino judeu da mesma idade, todos os dias Bruno foge para encontrar com ele e conversar atrás da cerca, mas nenhum dos dois entendem o que está acontecendo no mundo, nem sobre a matança coletiva de judeus. Na ultima parte Bruno para se desculpar por ter mentido sobre o amigo ter roubado um bolinho (o que fez o menino judeu apanhar muito do soldado nazista) por isso resolve cavar e atravessar a cerca e ir para dentro do campo de concentração com uma roupa listrada q os judeus usavam, p ajudar o menino judeu a encontrar o pai que havia sumido ( na verdade morto pelos nazistas) e lá acontece um arrastão e eles são levados jundos para a câmara de gás onde os dois, junto a centenas de outras pessoas são então assassinados.

No final, o garoto segue seu amigo até o local onde os nazistas matariam com um gás todos os judeus. O garoto se veste como o seu amigo, com um uniforme listrado, entra na camara de gás e acaba morrendo junto com os judeus.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
. Bruno is an 8 years old boy, son of a Nazi officer, his family moved to Auschwitz near a concentration camp where he meets a Jewish boy of the same age, every day Bruno flees to meet him and talk behind the fence, but neither of you understand what's going on in the world, or about the killing of Jews. In the last part Bruno to apologize for lying about the friend stealing a cookie (what did the Jewish boy catch much of the Nazi soldier) by that settles across the fence and go into the concentration camp with a striped suit q Jews wore, p help the Jewish boy find his father who had gone (actually killed by Nazis) and there happens a trawler and they are taken to jundos the gas chamber where the two, along with hundreds of other people are then murdered. In the end, the boy follows his friend to the location where the Nazis would kill with a gas all the Jews. The boy dresses like your friend, with a striped uniform, enters the gas chamber and dies along with the Jews.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
.Bruno Is an 8 - year-old son of a Nazi officer, his family moves to Auschwitz near a concentration camp where he meets a Jewish boy of the same age, every day Bruno flees to meet him and talk behind fence, but neither of them understand what is happening in the world or on the collective killing of Jews. In the last part of Bruno to apologize for lying about his friend stole a cookie (which made the Jewish boy catch much of the Nazi soldier) so decides to dig and cross the fence and go into the concentration camp with a striped clothes q Jews used, p help the Jewish boy to find the father who had disappeared (the dead by the Nazis actually) and there happens a trawler and they are taken jundos to the gas chamber where the two, along with hundreds of other people are then murdered.

In the end, the boy follows his friend to the site where the Nazis would kill with a gas all the Jews. The boy dresses up as his friend, with a striped uniform, enters the gas chamber and dies with the Jews.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Bruno is a boy of eight years, the son of a Nazi official, his family moved to Auschwitz near a concentration camp where he meets a Jewish boy of the same age, every day Bruno runs to meet him and talk behind the fence, but neither understand what is going on in the world. And on the collective slaughter of Jews. In the last part, Bruno to apologize for having lied about the man stealing a cookie (what did the Jewish boy catch much of the Nazi soldier) that solves to dig and get through the fence and go inside the camp with a striped clothes Q used by the Jews, P to help the Jewish boy to find his father what was missing (actually killed by the Nazis), and there is a trawler and they are taken jundos to the gas chamber where the two, along with hundreds of other people are killed.In the end, the boy follows his friend to the place where the Nazis kill with a gas all the Jews. The boy is dressed as his friend, with a uniform striped, enters the gas chamber and ends up dying along with the Jews.
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