Considering the above mentioned aspects, open market's relationship with suppliers is favourable and efficient for the array (shopping center), because it has variety of products in one place and has bargaining power on the basis of their scale of purchase and payment terms.With regard to regional suppliers, what exists in Viçosa is a greater rapprochement between the producer (supplier) and the Manager of the unit. In this way, it is a verbal agreement between them regarding quality and delivery of the products. However, this type of arrangement is not efficient,because the respondents complain of lack of availability of quality products and a commitment to supply. Such aspects have caused lack of products not delivered within the absence or refusal of delivery due to low quality product. As a result, the produce purchased in the region often lacking on the shelves in a couple of days or in some periods of the day.With regard to the quality of the products, since the array (shopping center) is demanding in this regard, such a level of demand also occurs on purchases made by local managers. In the case of products purchased from the region of Viçosa, the company studied is facing a difficulty in supply chain management.
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