Queria começar este texto agradecendo por vocês serem vocês mesmas. Ob Tradução - Queria começar este texto agradecendo por vocês serem vocês mesmas. Ob Inglês como dizer

Queria começar este texto agradecen

Queria começar este texto agradecendo por vocês serem vocês mesmas. Obrigada por me arrancarem risadas, por terem vozes tão lindas que conseguem acalmar minha alma, e por serem maravilhosas. Sinto muito orgulho das mulheres lindas e corajosas que vocês se tornaram. Desde que vi estes rostinhos lindos pela primeira vez, me encantei. Não apenas pela aparência, mas sim pelo caráter. A cada dia que se passa, me apaixono mais por vocês, cada detalhezinho, me apaixona. Vocês são muito importantes para mim. Vocês são o ar que eu respiro. Posso não ter estado aqui desde o começo de tudo, mas posso dizer que estarei aqui até o fim. Enfim, infelizmente não pude ao menos estar ai com vocês e poder abraça-las, mas um dia espero que este sonho se realize. Obrigada por tudo que vocês tenham feito por nós harmonizers. Eu amo vocês muito, muito mesmo!
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
I wanted to start this text thanking for you to be yourself. Thanks for ripping me laughter, because they have such beautiful voices that can soothe my soul, and for being wonderful. I feel very proud of beautiful and courageous women that you have become. Since I saw these beautiful little faces for the first time, I was charmed. Not just by appearance, but by character. Every day that goes on, I fall in love more for you, every little thing, falls in love with me. You are very important to me. You are the air I breathe. I may not have been here since the very beginning, but I can say that I will be here until the end. Anyway, unfortunately I could not at least be there with you and be able to hug them, but one day I hope this dream comes true. Thank you for all you have done for us harmonizers. I love you very, very much!
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
I wanted to start this text thanking you for being yourselves. Thank you for plucking me laugh, because they have such beautiful voices that can soothe my soul, and for being wonderful. I'm very proud of the beautiful and courageous women who you have become. Since I saw these little faces beautiful for the first time, I was charmed. Not only by appearance, but by character. Every day that passes, I fall in love more for you, every little detail, love me. You are very important to me. You are the air I breathe. I may not have been here since the beginning of everything, but I can say that I will be here until the end. Anyway, unfortunately I could not at least be there with you and be able to embrace them, but one day I hope that this dream is realized. Thank you for everything you have done for us Harmonizers. I love you very, very much!
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
I would like to start this text thanking me for you to be yourself. Thank you for leave laughter, have beautiful voices that can soothe my soul, and for being wonderful. I feel very proud of beautiful women and brave you become. Ever since I saw these beautiful faces for the first time, fascinated me. Not only for appearance, but by the character. Every day that passes, I fall in love for you, every little sweetheart, I fall in love with. You are very important to me. You are the air that I breathe. I may not have been here since the beginning of everything, but I can say that I will be here until the end. Finally, unfortunately I could not even be there with you and be able to hug them, but one day I hope this dream to come true. Thank you for all that you have done for us Harmonizers. I love you very, very much!
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