A pesar da enorme diminuição dos casos de malária a nível global, essa Tradução - A pesar da enorme diminuição dos casos de malária a nível global, essa Inglês como dizer

A pesar da enorme diminuição dos ca

A pesar da enorme diminuição dos casos de malária a nível global, essa doença continua sendo um importante problema de saúde pública. No Brasil, 99,7% dos casos ocorrem na região Amazônica, considerada como área endêmica da doença, com XX% dos casos sendo devido são P. vivax, X% ao P. falciparum e XX por P. malariae. Nessa região, o espectro clinico da doença vai desde infecções assintomáticas até casos de malária grave e ocasionalmente a morte. A maior parte dos casos corresponde a malária com sintomas clínicos bem definidos e que são alvo dos programas de controle para diagnostico oportuno e tratamento adequado. Em áreas de alta endemicidade, onde os indivíduos têm tido vários episódios da doença é provável encontrar infeções assintomáticas numa proporção de vá de xx até xx% a depender da definição de caso. A malária grave é um evento pouco frequente assim como a mortalidade por malária e vem diminuindo ano a ano. Em 2015 o número de internações e mortes por malária foi de XX nessa região.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
In spite of the enormous reduction of the cases of malaria globally, this disease remains an important public health problem. In Brazil, 99.7% of cases occur in the Amazon region, considered as endemic disease area, with XX% of cases being due are p. vivax, X% when p. falciparum and XX by p. malariae. In this region, the clinical spectrum of the disease ranges from asymptomatic infection to severe malaria cases and occasionally death. Most cases corresponds to malaria with well-defined clinical symptoms and who are the target of the control programs for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In areas of high endemicity, where individuals have had several episodes of the disease is likely to find in a proportion of asymptomatic infections go xx to xx% depending on the case definition. Severe malaria is an infrequent event as well as malaria and mortality comes decreasing year by year. In 2015 the number of hospitalizations and deaths from malaria was XX in this region.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Despite the huge reduction in cases of malaria globally, the disease remains a major public health problem. In Brazil, 99.7% of cases occur in the Amazon region, considered as an endemic disease area, with XX% of cases are due to P. vivax are X% to P. falciparum and P. malariae XX. In this region, the clinical spectrum of disease ranges from asymptomatic infections to severe malaria cases and occasionally death. Most cases of malaria corresponds with well-defined clinical symptoms which are the target of control programs for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. In areas of high endemicity, where individuals have had several episodes of the disease are likely to find infections in a proportion of asymptomatic go xx to xx% depending on case definition. Severe malaria is an uncommon event as well as mortality from malaria and has been decreasing year by year. In 2015 the number of hospitalizations and deaths from malaria was twentieth in this region.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Despite the huge loss of malaria at the global level, this disease remains an important public health problem. In Brazil, 99.7% of cases occur in the Amazon region, considered as an endemic area of disease, with XX% of cases being due are P. vivax, X% for P. falciparum and P. malariae XX. In this region, the clinical spectrum of the disease ranges from asymptomatic infections to severe cases of malaria and, occasionally, death. Most of the cases corresponds to malaria with clinical symptoms are well defined and are the target of control programs for diagnosis timely and appropriate treatment. In areas of high endemicity, where individuals have had several episodes of the disease are likely to be found in a proportion of asymptomatic infections go XX to XX%, depending on the case definition. The severe malaria is an uncommon event as well as the malaria mortality and has been decreasing year by year. In 2015 the number of hospitalizations and deaths from malaria was XX in this region.
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