The Middle-sereianos are beings created from a man (Warlock) and a sereiana. These beings can breathe under water as the sereianos, but they resemble humans. The Middle-sereianos have a very beautiful voice, that unlike sereianos, can be heard out of water. The Middle-sereianos manage to invoke and control the water spirit, giving it different ways, and talk to the marine animals (any one). These beings do not consume meat, consuming only fish, marine plants, all kinds of vegetables, vegetables and fruits. Have enough power in controlação of water and water-based spells. Their enemy is in the sea especially sharks, and his best friends dolphins. To nascenca, each half-sereiano has a dolphin to accompany him throughout his life. The Middle-sereianos can live up to a maximum of 200 years, half of his relatives, the sereianos.
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