I wake up,I take my breakfast,I shower and brush my teeth.then i go to Tradução - I wake up,I take my breakfast,I shower and brush my teeth.then i go to Inglês como dizer

I wake up,I take my breakfast,I sho

I wake up,I take my breakfast,I shower and brush my teeth.then i go to work.when i had just gotten arrive the cell phone rings,was boyfriend calling just to say good morning.I sat on the sofa I turned on the tv to watch my favorite series,was when i saw that without signal.i was furious and went to sleep.And so ended my day
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
I wake up, I take my breakfast, I shower and brush my teeth then i go to work when i had just gotten used to arrive the cell phone rings, was boyfriend calling just to say good morning.I sat on the sofa I turned on the tv to watch my favorite series, was when i saw that without signal i was furious and went to sleep.And so ended my day
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
I wake up, I take my breakfast, I shower and brush my teeth.then i go to work.when i had just gotten arrive the cell phone rings, boyfriend was calling just to say good morning.I sat on the sofa I turned on the tv to watch my favorite series, was when i saw que without signal.i was furious and went to sleep.And so ended my day
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
I wake up, I take my breakfast, I shower and brush my teeth.then I go to work.when I had just gotten used to arrive the cell phone rings, was boyfriend calling just to say good morning. I sat on the sofa, I turned on the TV to watch my favorite series, was when I saw that without signal.i was furious and went to sleep and so ended my day.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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