Briguei com alguém ontem! brincadeira! ontem comecei a praticar muay thai e hoje quando acordei não conseguia mexer meus dois braços estavam doloridos e não conseguia fazer nada e minha mãe ficou sorrindo de mim
I had a fight with someone yesterday.joke!Yesterday I started practicing muay thaiand today when I woke up I couldn't move my arms were sore and I couldn't do anything and my mother was smiling at me
Fought with someone yesterday! Joke! Yesterday started practicing muay thai and today when I woke up I could not move my two arms were sore and could not do anything and my mother was smiling at me
I got into a fight with someone yesterday.Joke!Yesterday I started practicing Muay ThaiAnd today when I woke up I could not move my two arms were sore and I could not do anything, and my mother was smiling to me,