Perdoe os outros e perdoe suas falhas. O perdão faz a gente crescer, amadurecer e, o melhor, ele nos deixa livres. Não ficamos presos a um passado que não deu certo. Perdoar é o ato de recomeçar.
Forgive others and forgive its flaws. Forgiveness makes us grow, mature and, best of all, he leaves us free. We're not stuck in a past that didn't work. Forgiveness is the Act of starting over.
Forgive others and forgive their faults. Forgiveness makes us grow, mature, and the best, it leaves us free. We are not tied to a past that did not work. Forgiveness is the act to start.
Forgive others and forgive their failures. Forgiveness makes us grow, mature, and the best, he leaves us free. We "re not stuck to a past that did not. Forgiveness is the act of restart.