Redução no custo, maior giro no estoque, dinamismo no processo produti Tradução - Redução no custo, maior giro no estoque, dinamismo no processo produti Inglês como dizer

Redução no custo, maior giro no est

Redução no custo, maior giro no estoque, dinamismo no processo produtivo e eficiência na movimentação de materiais, atualmente são as palavras mais utilizadas nas organizações com foco no crescimento e/ou estabilidade em meio ao cenário de crise. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é demonstrar através do estudo de tempos, movimentos, métodos e arranjo físico, os aspectos fundamentais para um melhor gerenciamento da produção. Tratou-se de uma revisão bibliográfica associada a um estudo de caso. Aplicando o estudo de tempos, movimentos, métodos e arranjo físico, foram avaliadas melhorias em toda cadeia na logística de movimentação de materiais. Espera-se que com a implantação dos novos métodos, a Empresa tenha maior produtividade e eficiência em seus processos produtivos, maior utilização da capacidade disponível, redução de custo através da otimização de operações, maior eficiência global de seus equipamentos, melhorias no processo e um detalhamento completo de seus recursos e movimentos.
Palavras - chave: Produtividade. Movimentação de Materiais. Logística. Otimização.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Reduction in cost, higher spin in stock, dynamism in the production process and efficiency in materials handling, are currently the most commonly used words in organizations with a focus on growth e/ou stability amid the crisis scenario. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate through the study of time, movement, and physical arrangement methods, fundamental aspects for a better management of production. This was a review associated with a case study. Applying the study of time, movement, and physical arrangement methods, were evaluated improvements in logistics chain materials handling. It is expected that with the implementation of new methods, the company has increased productivity and efficiency in their production processes, greater use of available capacity, cost reduction by optimizing operations, increased overall efficiency of their equipment, process improvements and a full detailing of their resources and movements. Keywords: productivity. Materials handling. Logistics. Optimization.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Reduction in cost, higher turnover in stock, dynamism in the production process and efficiency in material handling, are currently the most repeated words in organizations focusing on growth and / or stability amid the crisis scenario. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate through the study of time, movements, methods and physical arrangement, the fundamentals for better management of production. This was a literature review associated with a case study. Applying study times, movements, methods and physical arrangement, improvements were assessed throughout the chain of materials handling logistics. It is expected that with the implementation of new methods, the Company has increased productivity and efficiency in their production processes, higher capacity utilization, cost reduction by optimizing operations, increased overall efficiency of their equipment, process improvements and . full details of its features and movements
Key - words: Productivity. Material handling. Logistics. Optimization.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
The reduction in cost, more fun in stock, dynamism in the productive process and efficiency in material handling, currently are the words most used in organizations with a focus on growth and / or stability in the crisis scenario. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, through the study of the times, movements, methods and physical arrangement.The fundamental aspects for a better management of the production. It was a literature review with a case study. By applying the study time, movements, and physical arrangement methods have been evaluated improvements in the entire chain in the logistics of moving materials. It is expected that with the implementation of new methods.The company has increased productivity and efficiency in their production processes, greater use of the available capacity, reduction of cost by optimizing operations, greater overall efficiency of their equipment, improvements in process and a detailed comprehensive resources and movements.
key words: productivity. Materials handling. Logistics. Optimization.
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