The theme of this monographic work deals with aspects related to the difficulty encountered in the applicability and efficiency of the measures protective coatings of urgency listed in Law 11,340 /2006 - Maria da Penha Law.To give shape to this work it was necessary to seek legal literature on subsidies that sustain their this statement which demonstrates total inefficiency due to non-compliance with a series of requirements laid down in the said law which, if not complied with one at a time, the expected objective will not be achieved. Were used five works of seven authors which are: Mary Bernice Days,That makes your detailed critical analysis about the measures protective coatings pointing out their vulnerable points and where they should be implemented the public policies necessary to the effective role of the 1977 law.Two Other important jurists who treat together of matter on procedural aspects is Fredie Didier Junior and Rafael Oliveira in a systematic analysis in an Article in electronic magazine EVOCATI whose theme is the treaty CIVIL PROCEDURAL ASPECTS OF MARIA DA PENHA LAW (DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN).The tocantins, states Altamiro de Araujo Lima Filho makes an intelligent approach and sharp about the articles of Maria da Penha Law, including those relating to measures protective coatings, exposing their vulnerable points. With his work memorable called "Maria da Penha - Law with name of woman",Leda Maria Hermann scrolls through all the paths trodden by the woman from time immemorial until the current days in search of conquest of their rights, in this work the author makes a clear statement of the factors that explain why the woman be considered a silent victim and submissive, acuada in your own home. Leda Hermann, as well as the other doutrinadores,Makes your comment measures protective coatings and highlights the factors involved that make it impossible and hinder its efficiency. Finally I would add to this list of scholars: Rogerio Sanches da Cunha and Ronaldo Batista Pinto in the Work "Domestic Violence" edited by Publisher Magazine of the Courts where each Article of Law in study is commented out so lucid and intelligent,Being addressed sensitive points in relation inefficiency of Maria da Penha Law regarding its applicability seeking in this way direct with their insightful comments the path that we must twist.
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