Eu preciso de mais herois, como deadpool e wolverine, por exemplo... Ja estou cansado de usar os mesmos de sempre, como o cilops, homem de ferro, mulher hulk, mulher aranha, viuva negra e gavião arqueiro (que raramente uso)..
I need more heroes like Deadpool and Wolverine, for example ... I'm already tired of using the same as always, as cilops, iron man, hulk Woman Spider Woman, Hawkeye and Black Widow (I rarely use) ..
I need more heroes, such as deadpool and wolverine, for example ... I'm tired of using the same as always, like the cilops, iron man, hulk, spider woman woman, black widow and Hawkeye (which I rarely use).
I need more heroes, as deadpool and wolverine, for example ... I am already tired of using the same for ever, as the cilops, iron man, woman hulk, spider woman, widow and hawk archer (who rarely use)..