1 ano após o nascimento de seu filho, Phoenix, aquele que resnasce das Tradução - 1 ano após o nascimento de seu filho, Phoenix, aquele que resnasce das Inglês como dizer

1 ano após o nascimento de seu filh

1 ano após o nascimento de seu filho, Phoenix, aquele que resnasce das cinzas, Katy abriu uma ONG que apoia jovens viúvas e luta para conscientizar as pessoas e compartilhar esta história, na esperança de prevenir que qualquer outra pessoa enfrente a dor que continua sentindo todos os dias. “Eu poderia ter morrido naquele acidente, mas Deus tem outros planos. Eu fui deixada para trás para lutar as lutas do meu marido e do meu filho.”
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
1 year after the birth of his son, Phoenix, one who resnasce from the ashes, Katy opened an NGO that supports young widows and struggle to educate people and share this story, hoping to prevent any other person face the pain I still feel every day. "I could have died in that accident, but God has other plans. I was left behind to fight the fights of my husband and my son. "
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
One year after the birth of his son, Phoenix, who resnasce the ashes, Katy opened an NGO that supports young widows and fight to raise awareness and share this story, hoping to prevent anyone else face the pain that continues feeling every day. "I could have died in that accident, but God has other plans. I was left behind to fight the fights of my husband and my son. "
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
One year after the birth of his son, Phoenix, who resnasce ashes, Katy opened an NGO that supports young widows and strives to educate people and share this story, hoping to prevent any other person to face the pain still in every day. "I could have died in the accident, but God had other plans. I was left behind to fight the fights of my husband and my son. "
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