em muitos momentos de nossa vida temos que escolher e decidir usar a c Tradução - em muitos momentos de nossa vida temos que escolher e decidir usar a c Inglês como dizer

em muitos momentos de nossa vida te

em muitos momentos de nossa vida temos que escolher e decidir usar a cabeça ou coração.
aconteceu que na minha escola, durante a aula, uma aluna pegou um objeto da minha melhor amiga sem pedir, neste momento minha cabeça dizia que era melhor eu contar para ela, mas meu coração dizia que iria magoála, então no final usei meu coração, e algo me dizia que essa era a melhor opção.
é assim a nossa vida usando a cabeça e o coração

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
in many moments of our lives we have to choose and decide to use the head or heart.It came to pass that at my school, during class, a student took an object of my best friend without asking, right now my head said it was best I tell her, but my heart was saying that would magoála, so in the end I used my heart, and something told me that this was the best option.This is how our life using the head and the heart
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
in many moments of our lives we have to choose and decide to use the head or heart.
happened that in my school, in class, a student took an object of my best friend without asking, at this point my head said I'd better tell her, but my heart said it would magoála, then at the end I used my heart, and something told me that this was the best option.
so our life using the head and heart

sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
In many moments of our life, we have to choose and decide to use the head or heart.It happened in my school, during class, a student took an object from my best friend without asking, at that time my head said it was better to tell her, but my heart told me that he would magoála, so in the end, I used my heart, and something told me that this was the best option.So our life by using the head and heart.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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