Fundamental para esse enfoque é pressupor a necessidade de união entre Tradução - Fundamental para esse enfoque é pressupor a necessidade de união entre Inglês como dizer

Fundamental para esse enfoque é pre

Fundamental para esse enfoque é pressupor a necessidade de união entre ciência e mundo da vida, buscando valorizar as capacidades dos sujeitos individuais, fortalecer ações comunitárias com vistas a fazer escolhas saudáveis, dentro da perspectiva holística e ecológica da promoção da saúde. Esse enfoque está assentado em três bases: transdisciplinaridade, participação social e equidade de gênero. Com relação a esse terceiro pilar o ampliamos para as dimensões de equidade frente aos marcadores sociais da diferença, ou seja, não somente gênero, mas raça, escolaridade, renda, dentre outros. Outras categorias diferenciam as pessoas num grupo social, dentre elas segundo Gómez & Minayo (2006) está a de classe social, nas diferentes perspectivas e contribuições de cada grupo. E em nossa pesquisa, a categoria idade e sua valorização, considera que crianças, jovens, adultos e velhos podem organizar soluções diferentes para seus problemas. Ao contemplar essas características – também gênero, etnia, local de residência e religião – podemos reconhecer facilitadores e dificultadores das ações, e, portanto, reafirmamos a necessidade de vários olhares e diversas perspectivas. A retomada metodológica da abordagem ecossistêmica em saúde nos permite considerá-la como um enfoque que visa integrar pesquisa e intervenção.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Fundamental to this approach is to assume the necessity of Union between science and world of life, seeking to enhance the capacities of individual subjects, strengthen community action with a view to making healthy choices, within the holistic and ecological perspective of health promotion. This approach sits on three bases: transdisciplinarity, social participation and gender equity. With regard to this third pillar the we expanded to the dimensions of equity against the social markers of difference, i.e. not only gender but race, education, income, among others. Other categories differentiate people in a social group, including second Gómez & Minayo (2006) is the social class, the different perspectives and contributions of each group. And in our research, the age category and its recovery, believes that children, youth, adults and old people can organize different solutions to their problems. In contemplating these characteristics – gender, ethnicity, place of residence and religion-we can recognize facilitators and the process of actions, and, therefore, we reaffirm the need for multiple looks and diverse perspectives. The resumption of the ecosystem health approach methodology allows us to consider it as an approach which aims to integrate research and intervention.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Fundamental to this approach is to assume the need for unity between science and the world of life, seeking to enhance the capabilities of individual subjects, strengthen community action in order to make healthy choices, within the holistic and ecological perspective of health promotion. This approach sits on three bases: transdisciplinary, social participation and gender equity. Regarding the third pillar to the expanded dimensions of front equity to social markers of difference, that is, not only gender, but race, education, income, among others. Other categories differentiate people in a social group, among them second Gómez & Minayo (2006) is the social class, the different perspectives and contributions of each group. And in our research, age category and their valuation, considers that children, youth, adults and old can organize different solutions to their problems. Contemplating these characteristics - also gender, ethnicity, place of residence and religion - we can recognize facilitators and inhibiting the actions, and therefore we reaffirm the need for multiple looks and multiple perspectives. The methodological recovery of ecosystem health approach allows us to consider it as an approach that aims to integrate research and intervention.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Fundamental to this approach is to assume that the union between science and the world of life, seeking to enhance the capabilities of individual subjects, strengthen community actions with a view to make healthy choices, in the perspective of holistic and ecological health promotion. This approach is based on three bases: transdisciplinarity, social participation and gender equality. With respect to this third pillar of the expanded to the dimensions of equity to social markers of difference, that is, not only gender, race, education, income, among others. Other categories distinguished people in a social group, among them the second g ó mez & minayo (2006) is the social class in different perspectives and contributions of each group. In our research, the category of age and value, considers that children, youth, adults and old people can organize different solutions to their problems. To include these features also gender, ethnicity, place of residence and religion, we can recognize the facilitators and the things that make dificult the actions, and, therefore, we reaffirm the need for multiple looks and diverse perspectives. The resumption of methodological approach in ecosystem health allows us to consider it as an approach that seeks to integrate research and intervention.
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