Era uma vez um homem chamado Gepeto, Gepeto tinha um filho q se chamav Tradução - Era uma vez um homem chamado Gepeto, Gepeto tinha um filho q se chamav Inglês como dizer

Era uma vez um homem chamado Gepeto

Era uma vez um homem chamado Gepeto, Gepeto tinha um filho q se chamava Thomas, q era muito sozinho, nunca teve muitos amigos, foi então que Gepeto teve uma ideia, ele iria falar com a fada madrinha e iria pedir a ela para que ela criasse um garoto para brincar com seu filho, foi então que a fada madrinha criou um garoto feito de madeira, foi assim que nasceu Pinóquio, foi aí que se formou uma grande amizade entre Thomas e Pinóquio, eles sempre brincavam juntos, sempre conversavam, Pinóquio era quase que como um irmão que Thomas nunca teve, mas Pinóquio tinha uma coisa única, quando ele mentia seu nariz crescia, portanto, sempre q ele e Thomas faziam algo errado, Pinóquio mentia e seu nariz crescia, fazendo com que eles sempre ficassem de castigo.

Depois de um certo tempo,Thomas começou a crescer e Pinóquio continuava sendo pequeno, foi então que Gepeto foi até a fada madrinha e pediu a ela:

-Por favor fada madrinha, torne Pinóquio uma criança de verdade, irá chegar um ponto em que Thomas será um adulto, e o que Pinóquio vai fazer?

-Eu entendo senhor Gepeto

Foi então que a fada madrinha foi até Pinóquio

-Olá Pinóquio

-Fada madrinha a quanto tempo

-Verdade, Pinóquio eu estou aqui para realizar seu maior sonho

-Que legal... E qual é o meu maior sonho?

-Hahahaha, é isso que eu gosto em você Pinóquio, virar uma criança de verdade Pinóquio

-A sim, verdade, quer dizer que você vai me tornar uma criança de verdade?

-Sim, mas quero lhe fazer um pedido, Jamais deixe de ser quem você realmente é, sempre seja essa pessoa legal, engraçada, que se importa com os outros e não importa o que aconteça, sempre seja você mesmo

-Eu prometo fada madrinha

Foi então que a fada madrinha disse suas palavras magicas, e tornou Pinóquio uma criança de verdade

E a vida se seguiu, Pinóquio e Thomas cresceram se tornaram adultos e nunca deixaram de ser melhores amigos e Gepeto se orgulha de ter tido os dois melhores filhos que se poderia ter, e todos viveram felizes para sempre.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
There once was a man named Geppetto, Geppetto had a son Thomas was called q, q was very lonely, never had many friends, it was then that Geppetto had an idea, he would talk to the fairy godmother and would ask her to she raise a boy to play with his son, it was then that the fairy godmother created a boy made of wood , Pinocchio was born, it was there that he formed a great friendship between Thomas and Pinocchio, they always played together, always talked, Pinocchio was almost like a brother that Thomas never had, but Pinocchio was a one-time thing, when he was lying his nose grew, so always he and Thomas were doing something wrong, Pinocchio lied and his nose grew , causing them to always stay grounded.After a while, Thomas began to grow and Pinocchio remained small, then Geppetto's fairy godmother and asked her:-Please fairy godmother, make Pinocchio a truth, will reach a point where Thomas is an adult, and that Pinocchio will do?I understand Mr. GeppettoIt was then that the fairy godmother was until Pinocchio-Hello Pinocchio-Fairy godmother how long-Truth, Pinocchio I'm here to fulfill his greatest dream-That's cool ... And what is my biggest dream?-Hahahaha, that's what I like about you Pinocchio, turning a true Pinocchio-Yes, really, I mean that you will become a fact?-Yes, but I want to make a request, Never stop being who you really are, always be nice, funny person, who cares about others and no matter what happens, always be yourself-I promise fairy godmotherIt was then that the fairy godmother said their magic words, and made Pinocchio a truthAnd life followed, Pinocchio and Thomas grew up became adults and never stopped being best friends and Geppetto is proud to have had the two best children that could have, and they all lived happily ever after.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
There once was a man named Geppetto, Geppetto had a son q name was Thomas, q was very lonely, never had many friends, it was then that Geppetto had an idea, he would talk to the fairy godmother and would ask her for it create a boy to play with your child, that's when the fairy godmother created a wooden made ​​kid, that's how it was born Pinocchio, that's when I formed a great friendship between Thomas and Pinocchio, they always played together, always talking, Pinocchio it was almost like a brother that Thomas never had, but Pinocchio had one thing when he lied his nose grew, so always q he and Thomas were doing something wrong, Pinocchio lied and his nose grew, so that they always stay in . Punishment After a certain time, Thomas began to grow and Pinocchio was still small, it was then that Geppetto went to the fairy godmother and asked her: 'Please Fairy Godmother, Pinocchio becomes a real child, will come a point Thomas is an adult, and what Pinocchio going to do? 'I understand you Geppetto Then the fairy godmother went to Pinocchio Hello Pinocchio -Fada godmother how long -Really, Pinocchio I am here to realize his biggest dream -What cool ... And what is my biggest dream? -Hahahaha, that's what I like about you Pinocchio become a real child Pinocchio -A yes, really means that you will become a real child? Yes but want to do you a favor, never stop being who you really are, always be this nice person, funny, who cares about others and no matter what happens, always be yourself 'I promise fairy godmother Then the fairy godmother said its magic words, and made ​​Pinocchio a real child and life followed, Pinocchio and Thomas grew to become adults and have never ceased to be best friends and Geppetto is proud to have had the two best children who could have and they all lived happily ever after.

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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
There once was a man named hey, Gepetto, gepeto had a son Q named Thomas, Q was rather lonely, never had many friends, then I gepeto had an idea, he would talk with the fairy godmother and would ask her to which she was a kid to play with your son, so that the fairy sponsor created a boy made of wood, was born Pinocchio.It was there that he formed a great friendship between Thomas and Pinocchio, they always played together, always chatting, Pinocchio was almost like a brother, Thomas never had, but Pinocchio was a one time thing, when he was lying in his nose grew, therefore, where Q he and Thomas did something wrong, Pinocchio lied and his nose grew so that they always stay grounded.

After a certain time, Thomas began to grow and Pinocchio was still being small, it was then that Geppetto went to the fairy godmother and asked her:

please fairy godmother, make Pinocchio a real kid will reach a point where Thomas is an adult, and that Pinocchio 's gonna do?

- I understand, sir gepeto

then the fairy godmother to Pinocchio

hey Pinocchio

Fairy godmother to how long

- truth, Pinocchio, I 'm here to perform his greatest dream

- that' s nice... And what is my biggest dream?

- bought, that is what I like about you Pinocchio, Pinocchio turn a real kid

- yes, indeed, you mean that you will become a real kid?

- yes, but I want to make a request, never stop being who you really are.When this person is nice, funny, you care about others, and no matter what happens, always be yourself

- I promise fairy godmother

so that the fairy godmother said his words MagicAs, and made Pinocchio a real kid

and the life followed,Pinocchio and Thomas grew up became adults and never ceased to be best friends and Geppetto is proud to have had the two best children they could have, and they all lived happily ever after.
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