Eu casei quando tinha 19 anos, muito nova e muito inexperiente. O sogro da minha irmã, que era médico, pediu-me que não casasse com ele, mas eu estava muito apaixonada e não quis ouvir
I married when I was 19, too young and too inexperienced. the father of my sister, who was a doctor, asked me not to marry him, but I was very much in love and did not listen
I got married when I was 19 years old, too young and too inexperienced. My sister's father-in-law, who was a doctor, asked me not to marry him, but I was very much in love and wouldn't listen
I got married when I was 19 years old, very new and very inexperienced. The father of my sister, who was a medical doctor, has asked me to not get married with him, but I was very passionate about and did not want to hear