resumo No direito brasileiro e na ética, o aborto deixa de ser ilícito Tradução - resumo No direito brasileiro e na ética, o aborto deixa de ser ilícito Inglês como dizer

resumo No direito brasileiro e na é

No direito brasileiro e na ética, o aborto deixa de ser ilícito apenas quando feito pelo médico, para salvar a vida da gestante ou para evitar o nascimento de uma criança gerada por meio de estupro.Reconhece, portanto, duas formas de exclusão a antijurídica desse delito: a indicação médica salvadora e a indicação humanitária ou sentimental. Mas judiciais de locais diferentes, autorizaram recentemente o aborto em casos de anencefalias. Numa das decisões, o juiz afirmou que "não se está admitindo a indicação do aborto com o propósito de melhorar a raça, ou evitar que o ser em gestação venha a nascer cego ,aleijado ou mentalmente débil. Busca-se evitar o nascimento de um feto cientificamente sem vida, inteiramente desprovido de cérebro e incapaz de existir por si só ".
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]

summary in Brazilian law and ethics, abortion is no longer illegal only when done by the doctor, to save the mother's life or to prevent the birth of a child generated through estupro.reconhece therefore two forms of exclusion wrongful this crime: a medical indication and indication saving humanitarian or sentimental. court but from different locations,recently authorized abortion in cases of anencephaly. one of the decisions, the judge stated that "we are not admitting the statement of abortion for the purpose of improving the breed, or prevent the unborn will be born blind, crippled or mentally weak. seeks to avoid the birth of a fetus scientifically lifeless, completely devoid of brain and unable to exist by itself. "
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]

Summary In Brazilian law and ethics, abortion remains illegal only when done by a doctor, to save the life of the pregnant woman or to prevent the birth of a child generated through rape.Recognises, therefore, two ways of deleting the antijurídica of this offence: the medical indication and the indication humanitarian Savior or sentimental. But different local court, recently authorized the abortion in cases of anencefalias. One of the decisions, the judge stated that "you're admitting the indication of abortion with the purpose of improving the breed, or prevent the be in gestation will be born blind, crippled or mentally weak. The aim is to prevent the birth of a fetus scientifically without life, entirely devoid of brain and unable to exist by itself ".
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
In Brazilian law and in ethics, abortion is no longer to be unlawful only when done by a doctor, to save the life of the pregnant woman or to prevent the birth of a child generated through estupro.Reconhece , therefore, two forms of exclusion to antijuridica this crime: the medical indication and saving the indication humanitarian or sentimental. But judicial from different locations,Recently authorized abortion in cases of commonest were. In one of the decisions, the judge said that "we are not admitting the indication of abortion with the purpose of improving the breed, or prevent the be in gestation will be born blind ,maimed or mentally weak. Seeking to avoid the birth of a fetus scientifically without life, entirely devoid of brain and unable to exist alone ".
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