Fizemos uma troca e ele enviou o presente antes (No Man's Sky). Como j Tradução - Fizemos uma troca e ele enviou o presente antes (No Man's Sky). Como j Inglês como dizer

Fizemos uma troca e ele enviou o pr

Fizemos uma troca e ele enviou o presente antes (No Man's Sky). Como já tinha feito trocas de valor com esse usuário antes não achava que iria acontecer isso, mas ele fez um reembolso do jogo.
Creio que uma parte dos itens roubados foi enviada para essa conta, que suspeito seja a conta principal dele:
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
We did an Exchange and he sent this before (No Man's Sky). How did trade in value with that user before I didn't think would happen, but he made a refund of the game.I believe that some of the stolen items was sent to this account, which I suspect is his main account:
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
We did an exchange and he sent this before (No Man's Sky). . As he had done value of trade with this user before did not think it would happen that, but he did get a refund of the game
I believe that some of the stolen items was sent to this account, which I suspect is the main account of it: http: / /
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
We made a deal, and he sent this before (in the man "s sky). As I had done exchanges of value with the user before I thought that would happen, but he made a refund of the game.I believe that some of the items stolen was sent to this account, which I suspect is the main account of him: http: / / / profiles / 76561198097407660 / inventory /
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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