Robert Downey Jr. em cena da série

Robert Downey Jr. em cena da série

Robert Downey Jr. em cena da série "Ally McBeal"
Ally McBeal: Em 2000, após pagar US$ 5 mil (R$ 16 mil) e passar um ano entre um centro de tratamento e uma prisão na Califórnia, Downey Jr. foi libertado e conseguiu um papel na série "Ally McBeal". Elogiado pela atuação, se manteve empregado mesmo depois de ser preso novamente por posse de drogas, antes mesmo de concluir sua primeira temporada do programa. Porém, uma segunda detenção, em abril de 2001, levou o produtor David E. Kelley a demitir o ator. Downey Jr. evitou a condenação a mais anos de cadeia entrando em uma clínica de reabilitação. Ele diz estar sóbrio desde 2004.
O pós-rehab: Downey Jr. conseguiu voltar ao cinema no filme "The Singing Detective" graças a Mel Gibson, que pagou um seguro para qualquer dano que Downey Jr. pudesse causar à produção.
Este tipo de acordo se tornou comum na carreira do ator, que assinou vários contratos com cláusulas que asseguravam os estúdios em caso de mau comportamento. Em "Na Companhia do Medo", por exemplo, ele só recebeu o salário completo depois que a filmagem acabou.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Robert Downey Jr. in a scene from the series "Ally McBeal"Ally McBeal: In 2000, after paying $ 5 1000 (16 1000 R$) and spend a year between a treatment center and a prison in California, Downey Jr. was released and landed a role in the series "Ally McBeal". Praised for acting, remained employed even after he was arrested again for drug possession, even before completing its first season of the program. However, a second arrest, in April 2001, took the producer David e. Kelley to fire the actor. Downey Jr. avoided condemnation of more years going into a rehab clinic. He says being sober since 2004.The pós-rehab: Downey Jr. made it back to the cinema in the film "The Singing Detective" thanks to Mel Gibson, who paid an insurance for any damage they might cause to the Downey Jr. production.This kind of arrangement has become common in the actor's career, which has signed several contracts with clauses that ensured the studios in case of bad behavior. In "in the company of fear", for example, he only received the full salary after filming ended.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Robert Downey Jr. on the scene of the series "Ally McBeal"
Ally McBeal: In 2000, after paying $ 5,000 (R $ 16,000) and spend a year between a treatment center and a prison in California, Downey Jr. was released and landed a role in the series "Ally McBeal." Praised the performance, employee remained even after being arrested again for drug possession, even before completing his first season of the program. However, a second arrest in April 2001, took the producer David E. Kelley to fire the actor. Downey Jr. avoided the condemnation of more years in jail entering a rehabilitation clinic. He says being sober since 2004.
The post-rehab Downey Jr. was able to return to the cinema in the film "The Singing Detective" thanks to Mel Gibson, who paid insurance for any damage that Downey Jr. could cause the production.
This type of according became common in the actor's career, which has signed several contracts with clauses that ensured the studios in case of bad behavior. In "Gothika," for example, he only received the full salary after filming ended.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Robert Downey Jr. on the scene of the series "ally McBeal"Ally McBeal: in 2000, after paying $5, 000 ($16, 000) and spend a year in a treatment center and a prison in California, Downey Jr. was released and won a role in a series, "ally McBeal". Praised for acting, remained employed even after be arrested again for possession of drugs, even before he finished his first season of the show. However, a second arrest in April 2001, took the producer David E. Kelley to dismiss the actor. Downey Jr. prevented the condemnation to more years of jail entering a rehab clinic. He says he "s sober since 2004.The post rehab: Downey Jr. was able to return to the cinema in the film the Singing Detective "with Mel Gibson, who paid an insurance for any damage that Downey Jr. could cause the production.This type of agreement has become common in the career of actor, who has signed several contracts with the clauses with the studios in the case of bad behavior. "In the company of fear", for example, he only received the full salary after filming ended.
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