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O tema do presente trabalho monográ

O tema do presente trabalho monográfico aborda aspectos relacionados à dificuldade encontrada na aplicabilidade e eficiência das medidas protetivas de urgência elencadas na Lei 11.340/2006 – Lei Maria da Penha. Para dar corpo a esse trabalho foi necessário buscar na literatura jurídica subsídios que sustentassem essa afirmativa a qual demonstra total ineficiência devido ao não cumprimento de uma série de exigências previstas na referida lei que, se não cumpridas uma a uma, o objetivo esperado não será alcançado. Foram utilizadas cinco obras de sete autores os quais são: Maria Berenice Dias, que faz sua análise crítica pormenorizada acerca das medidas protetivas apontando seus pontos vulneráveis e onde devem ser implementadas as políticas públicas necessárias ao efetivo papel da aludida lei. Outros dois importantes juristas que tratam juntos do assunto nos aspectos processuais é Fredie Didier Júnior e Rafael de Oliveira em uma análise sistemática em um artigo na revista eletrônica EVOCATI cujo tema tratado é os ASPECTOS PROCESSUAIS CIVIS DA LEI MARIA DA PENHA (VIOLÊNCIA DOMÉSTICA E FAMILIAR CONTRA A MULHER). O tocantinense Altamiro de Araújo Lima Filho faz uma abordagem inteligente e aguçada acerca dos artigos da Lei Maria da Penha, inclusive os referentes às medidas protetivas, expondo seus pontos vulneráveis. Com sua obra memorável denominada “Maria da Penha – Lei com nome de mulher”, Leda Maria Hermann percorre todos os caminhos trilhados pela mulher desde tempos imemoriais até os dias atuais em busca da conquista de seus direitos, nesta obra a autora faz uma exposição clara dos fatores que esclarecem o porquê da mulher ser considerada uma vítima silenciosa e submissa, acuada em seu próprio lar. Leda Hermann, assim como os outros doutrinadores, faz seu comentário às medidas protetivas e destaca os fatores intervenientes que impossibilitam e dificultam sua eficiência. Por fim acrescento a este rol de estudiosos: Rogério Sanches da Cunha e Ronaldo Batista Pinto na Obra “Violência Doméstica” editada pela Editora Revista dos Tribunais onde cada artigo da Lei em estudo é comentado de forma lúcida e inteligente, sendo abordados pontos sensíveis no tocante ineficiência da Lei Maria da Penha quanto à sua aplicabilidade buscando dessa forma direcionar com suas observações perspicazes o caminho que se deve trilhar.

Palavras- chave: Ineficiência, Medidas Protetivas, proteção e violência.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
the theme of this monograph addresses aspects related to difficulty in the applicability and efficiency of urgent protective measures listed in the law 11.340/2006 - Maria da Penha Law.to give effect to this work was necessary to seek legal literature subsidies to support that statement which demonstrates overall inefficiency due to failure to meet a number of requirements in that law that, if not met one by one, the expected goal will not be achieved . were used five works seven authors which are: maria berenice daysmaking its detailed critical analysis about the protective measures pointing their vulnerabilities and should be implemented where the public policies necessary to the effective role of the aforementioned law.two other important jurists dealing together on procedural aspects of the subject is didier fredie rafael junior and olive on a systematic analysis in an article in eMagazine Evocati whose theme is treated aspects of civil procedural law of the rock maria (domestic and family violence against women).the Tocantins Altamiro of araújo lima son makes a smart approach and keen about the articles of Maria da Penha Law, including those relating to protective measures, exposing their vulnerabilities. with his memorable work called "maria rock - law with a woman's name,"leda maria hermann traverses all paths taken by women since time immemorial to the present day in search of conquest of their rights in this work the author makes a clear statement of the factors that account for why women are considered a victim silent and submissive, cornered in their own home. leda hermann, like other scholars,makes your comment to protective measures and highlights the intervening factors that prevent and hinder their efficiency. Finally add to this list of scholars: rogério sanches wedge and ronaldo dick Baptist work in "domestic violence" magazine edited by the publisher of the courts where each article of the law in question is discussed in a lucid and intelligent,being addressed sensitive issues regarding inefficiency of the Maria da Penha Law as to its applicability thus seeking to drive with their insightful comments the way that one should follow.

keywords: inefficiency, protective measures, protection and violence.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
The theme of this monographic work deals with aspects related to the difficulty encountered in the applicability and efficiency of emergency protective measures listed in Law 11,340/2006 – Maria da Penha Law. To give body to this work was necessary to get in legal literature subsidies that sustain this statement which demonstrates total inefficiency due to non-compliance with a series of demands laid down in that law that, if unfulfilled, one by one, the expected goal will not be achieved. We used five works by seven authors which are: Maria Berenice Dias, that makes your detailed critical analysis about protective measures pointing their vulnerabilities and where should be implemented public policies necessary for the effective role of the aforementioned law. Other two important lawyers that deal with the subject together on procedural aspects is Mr. Freddy Didier Jr. and Rafael de Oliveira in a systematic analysis in an article in the electronic journal EVOCATI whose theme is Treaty aspects of CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW MARIA DA PENHA (DOMESTIC and family VIOLENCE against women). The tocantinense Altamiro de Araujo Lima Filho makes a smart approach and keen about the articles of the Maria da Penha Law, including those regarding protective measures, exposing their vulnerable points. With his memorable work named "Maria da Penha-Law with a girl's name", Leda Maria Hermann walks all paths for the woman since time immemorial to the present day in pursuit of the achievement of their rights, in this work the author makes a clear display of the factors that account for why the woman be considered a victim silent and submissive, cornered in his own home. Leda Hermann, like other Jurists, does your comment protective measures and highlights the factors involved which make it impossible and hamper its effectiveness. Finally I would add to this list of scholars: Roger Sanches da Cunha and Ronaldo Batista Pinto in "domestic violence" edited by Editora Revista dos Tribunals where each article of the law under study is reviewed in a lucid and intelligent, addressing sensitive points in inefficiency of the Maria da Penha Law as to its applicability in this way seeking direct with their insightful comments the way that you must tread.

keywords: Inefficiency, Protective Measures, protection, and violence.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
The theme of this monographic work deals with aspects related to the difficulty encountered in the applicability and efficiency of the measures protective coatings of urgency listed in Law 11,340 /2006 - Maria da Penha Law.To give shape to this work it was necessary to seek legal literature on subsidies that sustain their this statement which demonstrates total inefficiency due to non-compliance with a series of requirements laid down in the said law which, if not complied with one at a time, the expected objective will not be achieved. Were used five works of seven authors which are: Mary Bernice Days,That makes your detailed critical analysis about the measures protective coatings pointing out their vulnerable points and where they should be implemented the public policies necessary to the effective role of the 1977 law.Two Other important jurists who treat together of matter on procedural aspects is Fredie Didier Junior and Rafael Oliveira in a systematic analysis in an Article in electronic magazine EVOCATI whose theme is the treaty CIVIL PROCEDURAL ASPECTS OF MARIA DA PENHA LAW (DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN).The tocantins, states Altamiro de Araujo Lima Filho makes an intelligent approach and sharp about the articles of Maria da Penha Law, including those relating to measures protective coatings, exposing their vulnerable points. With his work memorable called "Maria da Penha - Law with name of woman",Leda Maria Hermann scrolls through all the paths trodden by the woman from time immemorial until the current days in search of conquest of their rights, in this work the author makes a clear statement of the factors that explain why the woman be considered a silent victim and submissive, acuada in your own home. Leda Hermann, as well as the other doutrinadores,Makes your comment measures protective coatings and highlights the factors involved that make it impossible and hinder its efficiency. Finally I would add to this list of scholars: Rogerio Sanches da Cunha and Ronaldo Batista Pinto in the Work "Domestic Violence" edited by Publisher Magazine of the Courts where each Article of Law in study is commented out so lucid and intelligent,Being addressed sensitive points in relation inefficiency of Maria da Penha Law regarding its applicability seeking in this way direct with their insightful comments the path that we must twist.

- key words: Inefficiency, Protective Coatings, protection Measures and violence.
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