para o período de 15/08/2016 a 31/12/2016 e de R$ 32.000,00 (trinta e dois mil reais) a partir de 01/01/2017.. Para ambos os períodos o valor será reajustado pelo IGPM anualmente no aniversário do contrato.
for the period 8/15/2016 to 12/31/2016 and R$ 32,000.00 (32000) from 1/1/2017 ... For both periods the value is adjusted by the IGPM annually on the anniversary of the contract.
for the period 08.15.2016 to 12.31.2016 and R $ 32,000.00 (thirty-two thousand reais) from 01.01.2017 .. For both periods the amount will be adjusted annually by the IGP-M the contract anniversary.