Por que vocês decidiram acabarem com as lendas só por causa dos boatos Tradução - Por que vocês decidiram acabarem com as lendas só por causa dos boatos Inglês como dizer

Por que vocês decidiram acabarem co

Por que vocês decidiram acabarem com as lendas só por causa dos boatos?
Vocês não acham quer tornar todas as lendas da ilha em realidade, não iria acabar a graça do CP?

Why you decided to finish with the legends just because of the rumors?
Don't you think wants to make all the legends of the island into reality, wouldn't end the grace of CP?
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
why you decided to do away with the legends only because of rumors?
You do not think you want to make all the legends of the island in reality, would not end the grace of cp?

Why you Decided to finish with the legends just because of the rumors?
Do you think wants to make all the legends of the island into reality, would not end the grace of cp?
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Why you decided to finish with the legends just because of the rumors?
Don't you think wants to make all the legends of the island into reality, wouldn't end the grace of CP?

Why you decided to finish with the legends just because of the rumors?
Don ' t you think wants to make all the legends of the island into reality, wouldn't end the grace of CP?
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Why have you decided to cease with the legends only because of rumors?
You guys don't think he wants to make all the legends of the island in reality, would not end the grace of CP?

Why you decided to finish with the legends just because of the rumors?
Then't you think wants'to make all the legends of the island into reality, wouldn't end the grace of CP?
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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