Mesmo que tenha sido um boêmio, como Anonymous insiste em retratar, ha Tradução - Mesmo que tenha sido um boêmio, como Anonymous insiste em retratar, ha Inglês como dizer

Mesmo que tenha sido um boêmio, com

Mesmo que tenha sido um boêmio, como Anonymous insiste em retratar, havia uma outra parte de sua vida privada que acabou sendo totalmente ignorado pelo filme. Em contrapartida, Jonson também é retratado de uma forma bastante estereotipada, como um ótimo dramaturgo que sofreu com a genialidade de “Shakespeare”. Novamente, ainda que isso tenha sido real, certamente não foi toda a história de Jonson. Estas simplificações de personagens fundamentais não ajudam o filme.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Even if it was a Bohemian, as Anonymous insists on portraying, there was another part of his private life that turned out to be totally ignored by the film. In contrast, Jonson is also portrayed in a fairly typecast as a great playwright who suffered with the genius of Shakespeare ". Again, even if it was real, it certainly wasn't the whole story of Jonson. These simplifications of fundamental characters don't help the film.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Even if it was a bohemian, as Anonymous insists portray, there was another part of his private life which ended up being totally ignored by the film. In contrast, Jonson is also portrayed in a very stereotypical way, as a great playwright who suffered from the genius of "Shakespeare". Again, even if it was real, it was certainly not the whole story of Jonson. These simplifications of key characters do not help the film.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Even if it was a bohemian, as anonymous insists portrayal, there was another part of his private life that ended up being completely ignored by the film. On the other hand, Jonson is also portrayed as a rather stereotyped, as a great playwright who suffered with the genius of Shakespeare ". Again, even if it was real, it was certainly not the whole story of Jonson. These simplifications of the fundamental characters do not help the film.
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