Desenvolver a procura de novos parceiros e fornecedores, bem como de n Tradução - Desenvolver a procura de novos parceiros e fornecedores, bem como de n Inglês como dizer

Desenvolver a procura de novos parc

Desenvolver a procura de novos parceiros e fornecedores, bem como de novas oportunidades de desenvolvimento do negócio dentro das tendências no mercado;
- Coordenar todo o processo de negociação e contratualização com fornecedores e gerir as respetivas contas (rappel, aportações, investimentos, etc);
- Definir e implementar o plano promocional anual, merchandising, seleção e definição das promoções, avaliações e planeamento estratégico;
- Acompanhamento e elaboração de revisões de gama em conjunto com o dep. MKT;
- Gestão e coordenação no apoio de informações a nível interno (lojas/pdv´s) e externo (fornecedores)
- Gestão e controlo do budget previamente definido bem como de análises de margens (central e lojas), vendas e stocks permanentes e promocionais.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Develop the search for new partners and suppliers, as well as new business development opportunities within the market trends;-Coordinate the entire process of negotiation and contracts with suppliers and manage the respective accounts (rappelling, contributions, investments, etc);-Define and implement the annual promotional plan, merchandising, selection and definition of promotions, evaluations and strategic planning;-Follow-up and elaboration of range revisions in conjunction with the MKT;-Management and coordination in support of internal information (shops/POS ´ s) and external (suppliers)-Management and control of the budget previously set as well as analyses of banks (central and shops), permanent and promotional sales and stocks.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Developing the search for new partners and suppliers as well as new business development opportunities within the market trends;
- To coordinate the whole process of negotiating and contracting with suppliers and manage their accounts (rappel, aportações, investments, etc.);
- Define and implement the annual promotional plan, merchandising, selection and definition of promotions, evaluations and strategic planning;
- Monitoring and development of range of revisions in conjunction with the dep. MKT;
- Management and coordination in support of information internally (shops / pdv's) and external (suppliers)
- Management and control of the budget previously defined and margin analysis (center and shops), sales and stocks and permanent promotional.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Develop the demand for new partners and suppliers, as well as new opportunities for the development of the business inside of trends in the market;- coordinating the entire process of negotiation and contracting with suppliers and manage their accounts (rappel, aportações, investments, etc.);- to define and implement the annual promotional plan, merchandising, selection and definition of promotions, assessments and strategic planning;- monitoring and preparation of revisions of the range in conjunction with the MKT department;Management and coordination in support of information internally (stores / pdv´s) and external (Supplier)Management and control of the budget previously defined as well as the analysis of the margins (central and stores), sales and stocks and the permanent promotions.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Outras línguas
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