Eu nunca estive em um acidente, mas minha mãe já capotou o carro. Ela  Tradução - Eu nunca estive em um acidente, mas minha mãe já capotou o carro. Ela  Inglês como dizer

Eu nunca estive em um acidente, mas

Eu nunca estive em um acidente, mas minha mãe já capotou o carro. Ela estava numa estrada de chão que só cabia um carro e de repente chegou um outro carro muito rápido, minha mãe saiu da estrada, pois ela viu que se ela ficasse seria pior o acidente, o problema é que tinha um barranco bem pequeno e ela caiu, mas não aconteceu nada com ela e nem com o outro motorista
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
I've never been in an accident, but my mom's flipped the car. She was on a dirt road that just fit a car and suddenly came another car too fast, my mother went off the road, because she saw that if she got worse the crash, the problem is that I had a small ravine and she fell, but nothing happened with her and not with the other driver
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
I've never been in an accident, but my mother has flipped the car. It was a dirt road that only fit a car and suddenly reached another very fast car, my mother went off the road because she saw that if she got was worse the accident, the problem is that it had a very small bank and it He fell, but nothing happened with her and not with the other driver
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
I have never been in an accident, but my mom flipped the car. She was a dirt road that only fit one car and suddenly came a very fast car, my mother left the road, because she saw that it would be worse if she stayed in the accident, the problem is that had a small ravine and she fell, but nothing happened with her and not with the other driver
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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