DISCIPLINAS :Disciplinas são dons raros que alguns vampiros tem o praz Tradução - DISCIPLINAS :Disciplinas são dons raros que alguns vampiros tem o praz Inglês como dizer

DISCIPLINAS :Disciplinas são dons r

Disciplinas são dons raros que alguns vampiros tem o prazer de receber como:
Presença :
Aquele que detém esta disciplina é excepcionalmente atraente a outros indivíduos. As pessoas querem estar na companhia deste, para banharem-se na luz brilhante que ele irradia. A Presença é um aspecto natural de personalidade de cada um. É uma disciplina poderosa, porém, sutil.
Ofuscação :
Os membros dotados com essa Disciplina conseguem se imiscuir em multidões e, quando precisam, esconder-se delas. Quando eles não querem ser vistos, outros, especialmente mortais, raramente notam sua presença.
Dominação :
Esta Disciplina reflete a capacidade mística dos vampiros em influenciar a mente e ações dos outros. A Dominação é um aspecto do poder da mente e da vontade. Ela afeta o julgamento e o funcionamento mental do alvo, não as emoções.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
disciplines are rare gifts that some vampires have the pleasure of welcoming as presence
who owns this discipline is exceptionally attractive to others. people want to be in this company, to bask in the bright light that he radiates. presence is a natural personality of each. It is a powerful discipline, however subtle. Obfuscation
members endowed with this discipline can meddle in crowds and when they need it, hide them. when they do not want to be seen, others, especially mortals rarely notice their presence. domination
this discipline reflects the mystique of vampires ability to influence the minds and actions of others. domination is one aspect of the power of mind and will.it affects judgment and mental functioning of the target, not the emotions.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Disciplines are rare gifts some vampires is pleased to receive as:
one who holds this discipline is exceptionally attractive to other individuals. People want to be in the company of this, to banharem in the bright light that he radiates. The presence is a natural aspect of the personality of each one. Is a powerful discipline, however, subtle Obfuscation:

The members endowed with this discipline manage to interfere in crowds and, when required, hide them. When they do not want to be seen, others, especially mortals, rarely notice their presence: Domination

this course reflects the mystique of vampires in influence the minds and actions of others. The Domination is an aspect of mind power and will. It affects the judgment and the mental functioning of the target, not the emotions.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
DISCIPLINES Disciplines are rare gifts that some vampires have the pleasure of receiving as:
Presence :
One who holds this discipline is exceptionally attractive to other individuals. People want to be in the company of this, to soak in bright light it radiates. The Presence is a natural aspect of each one's personality. It is a powerful discipline, however, subtle.
obfuscation :
The members endowed with this Discipline are able to interfere in crowds and when they need it, hide them. When they do not want to be seen, others, especially deadly, rarely perceive his presence.
domination :
This Discipline reflects the capacity of mystical vampire in influencing the minds and actions of others. The domination is an aspect of the power of the mind and will.It affects the trial and the mental functioning of the target, not emotions.
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