Vinde Espírito Santo enchei os coraçoes de vossos fieise acendei neles Tradução - Vinde Espírito Santo enchei os coraçoes de vossos fieise acendei neles Inglês como dizer

Vinde Espírito Santo enchei os cora

Vinde Espírito Santo enchei os coraçoes de vossos fieise acendei neles o fogo de vosso amor enviais o vosso espirito e tudo sera criadoe renovareis a face da terraoremos , oh deus que instruistes os coraçoes de vossos fieis com a luz do espirito santo fazei que apreciemos retamente todas as coisas, segundo o mesmo espirito e gozemos sempre da sua consolação por Cristo senhor nosso. Amem
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Come Holy Spirit <br>fill the hearts of your faithful <br>and kindle in them the fire of your love <br>send forth your spirit and all will be created <br>and renew the face of the earth <br>pray, oh god instruistes the hearts of your faithful with the light of holy spirit do that rightly appreciate all things are by the same spirit and always let us enjoy its comfort through Christ our lord. Amen
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Come From Holy Spirit <br>fill the hearts of your faithful<br>and light in them the fire of your love <br> you send your spirit and everything will be created<br>and renew the face of the earth<br>let us pray, oh god you instructed the hearts of your faithful with the light of the holy spirit, make us enjoy all things straight, according to the same spirit and we always enjoy your consolation for Christ our lord. Love
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Come Holy Spirit<br>Fill the hearts of your faithful<br>And light in them the fire of your love<br>Send out your spirit and all will be created<br>and renew the face of the earth<br>Let us pray, O God who instructed the hearts of your faithful with the light of the holy spirit make us to thoroughly appreciate all things, according to the same spirit and always enjoy his consolation for Christ our Lord. Love<br>
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