I'm blocking this October 26th morning on my schedule so that I can me Tradução - I'm blocking this October 26th morning on my schedule so that I can me Inglês como dizer

I'm blocking this October 26th morn

I'm blocking this October 26th morning on my schedule so that I can meet with Hari, but due to my other activities, I will not be available to prepare the organization, to get in touch with the agents/ traders as well as I do not have any updated information in this almost one year and half after my BlueGiant output.

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
I'm blocking this October 26th morning on my schedule so that I can meet with Hari, but due to my other activities, I will not be available to prepare the organization, to get in touch with the agents/traders as well as I do not have any updated information in this almost one year and half after my BlueGiant output.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
I'm blocking this October 26th morning on my schedule so I can meet with que Hari, but due to my other activities, I will not be available to prepare the organization, to get in touch with the agents / traders as well as I do not have any updated information in this almost one year and half after my BlueGiant output.

sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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