A relação e os poderes de todas as ninfas eram tão similares que suas  Tradução - A relação e os poderes de todas as ninfas eram tão similares que suas  Inglês como dizer

A relação e os poderes de todas as

A relação e os poderes de todas as ninfas eram tão similares que suas tarefas e áreas de influência eram constantemente confundidas. Dríades das florestas e árvores, por vezes cuidavam de lagos e riachos próximos. Ninfas das águas protegiam os bosques cir

As Dríades se apresentavam com o corpo de árvore, cabelos de folhas verdes e seios volumosos. Seus olhos eram dourados e suas vozes eram muito harmoniosas, como o rufar das folhas das árvores.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
the relationship and the powers of all the nymphs were so similar that their tasks and areas of influence were constantly confused. Dryads of forests and trees, sometimes caring for lakes and streams nearby. water nymphs protected forests cir

dryads presented with the tree body, hair of green leaves and large breasts.his eyes were golden and their voices were very harmonious, as the drumming of leaves.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
The relationship and the powers of all the nymphs were so similar that their tasks and areas of influence were constantly confused. The Dryads of forests and trees, sometimes grazed near streams and lakes. Water nymphs protected Woods cir

The Dryads were with the body of the tree, green leafy hair and breasts. His eyes were gold and their voices were very harmonious, as the drum from the leaves of trees.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
The relationship and the powers of all the nymphs were so similar that their tasks and areas of influence were constantly confused. Dryads of forests and trees, sometimes they cared for lakes and streams nearby. The water Nymphs jealously protected woods cir

Dryads if presented with the body of tree, hair of green leaves and large breasts.His eyes were golden and their voices were very harmonious, as the beating of the leaves of the trees.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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