Minha sobrinha fez uma Exposição na Feira Internacional de Lisboa - EX Tradução - Minha sobrinha fez uma Exposição na Feira Internacional de Lisboa - EX Inglês como dizer

Minha sobrinha fez uma Exposição na

Minha sobrinha fez uma Exposição na Feira Internacional de Lisboa - EXPO, de candeeiros feitos por ela (ARTLUXpoeticdesign) Vendeu tudo e tem encomendas de várias lojas. É apenas um hobby. Também fez uma exposição de pintura no Casino Estoril e várias outras. É um dos seus outros hobbies para aproveitar tempo livre. Na verdade ela é professora, trabalhou 10 anos numa escola. Mas os professores foram despedidos, Ela está sem trabalho
Nesta foto a minha sobrinha pintando um quadro em palco. O quadro foi leiloado a favor dos bombeiros. Esta é uma mesa de natal, que a minha sobrinha fez na escola com os alunos de materiais reciclados
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
My niece gave a presentation at the International Fair of Lisbon - expo, the lamps made by her (artluxpoeticdesign) sold everything and has orders from several shops. It's just a hobby. also made a painting exhibition in estoril casino and many others. It is one of his other hobbies to enjoy free time. in fact she is a teacher, spent 10 years in school.but teachers were dismissed, she is without work
in this photo my niece painting a picture on stage. the box was auctioned in favor of the firefighters. this is a christmas table, that my niece did in school with students from recycled materials
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
My niece did an exhibition in Lisbon international fair-EXPO, lamps made by her (ARTLUXpoeticdesign) sold everything and has orders to several shops. It's just a hobby. Also made a painting exhibition at Casino Estoril and many others. Is one of your other hobbies to enjoy free time. In fact she's a teacher, he worked 10 years at a school. But teachers were fired, She is jobless
in this photo my niece painting a picture on the stage. The painting was auctioned off in favor of the firefighters. This is a Christmas table, that my niece made at school with students from recycled materials
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
My niece made a Presentation at the International Fair of Lisbon - EXPO, chandeliers made by it (ARTLUXpoeticdesign) Sold everything and has orders from several shops. It is just a hobby. Also made an exhibition of paintings at Estoril Casino and several others. It is one of his other hobbies to enjoy free time. In fact she is a teacher, he worked 10 years in a school.But the teachers were dismissed, She is without work
In this photo my niece painting a table on the stage. The instrument was auctioned off in favor of the firefighters. This is a table of christmas, that my niece did in school with students of recycled materials
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