As Hammadríades protegiam e cuidavam de árvores individuais específica Tradução - As Hammadríades protegiam e cuidavam de árvores individuais específica Inglês como dizer

As Hammadríades protegiam e cuidava

As Hammadríades protegiam e cuidavam de árvores individuais específicas. Parentes próximos das Dríades eram as Náiades dos bosques, as Crenae e Pegae dos regatos, a as Limnades das águas paradas.

Por vezes essas ninfas viviam dentro das águas, por vezes em grutas. Dizia-se que elas tinham o dom da profecia e dos oráculos, curavam os enfermos, cuidavam das flores e protegiam os campos e os animais.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
the hammadríades protected and cared for trees specific individual. close relatives of the Dryads were nymphs of the woods, the streams of pegae crenae and the still waters of the limnades.

sometimes these nymphs lived within the waters, sometimes in caves. it was said that they had the gift of prophecy and oracles, healed the sick,tended the flowers and protected fields and animals.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
The Hammadríades protected and cared of individual trees. Close relatives of the Dryads were the Naiads of the Woods, the Crenae and regatos Pegae, the Limnades.

water stops sometimes these nymphs lived inside of water, sometimes in caves. It was said that they had the gift of prophecy and of oracles, heal the sick, cared and protected the fields and animals.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
The Hammadriades jealously protected and cared for specific individual trees. Close Relatives of Dryads were the Naiades of woods, the Crenae and Handleand of meltwater, the Limnades still waters.

sometimes these individual nymphs lived inside of waters, sometimes in caves. It was said that they had the gift of prophecy and oracles, cured the sick,Cared for flowers and jealously protected fields and animals.
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